Kendall Craig of Henry Clay High School won the KHSAA Girls Singles Championship in Bowling. She bowled 191, 181, 211 and was in third place after the qualifying. The top eight bowlers advanced the next round for two more games, and Kendall bowled 249 and 195 to move up to second place. The top four bowlers then advanced to a stepladder finals. Kendall won 234-158 in the semifinals and 199-187 in the championship game!
Tates Creek's Kaci Sapp also competed in the singles division and made the initial cut. In the team competition Feb. 5 in Jeffersontown, the Lafayette girls lost in the first round and the Tates Creek girls fell in the second round to the eventual state champion.
No boys’ teams from Fayette County Public Schools qualified for state this season. In the boys’ singles championship on Feb. 6, Broox Golden of Paul Laurence Dunbar High School placed second, losing 207 to 190 in the final game.