Let’s look at the MTSS process at school. Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) provides high quality, research-based instruction targeted to learner needs. Needs are identified by monitoring students' progress. MTSS provides high quality, standards-based instruction and intervention matched to students' academic, social, and behavioral needs.
A parent can request an initial evaluation at any time to determine if a child is a child with a disability. The use of MTSS strategies cannot be used to delay or deny the provision of a full and individual evaluation. In some cases, there is a sense of urgency because of the level of difficulty the child may be experiencing at school. If after reviewing all available data, the Admissions and Release Committee agrees with a parent who refers their child for evaluation that the child may be a child who is eligible for special education and related services, the school must plan an evaluation and obtain consent from the parent before conducting the evaluation. While there isn’t a specific timeline from referral to consent to evaluate, it should occur within a reasonable period of time after the referral is made. MTSS interventions and progress monitoring must be initiated and/or continue throughout the evaluation process.