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2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:

Elementary: 25%

Middle: 27%

High: 27%


Distinguished Reading:

Elementary: 27%

Middle: 20%

High: 21%


Proficient Math:

Elementary: 30%

Middle: 22%

High: 25%


Distinguished Math:

Elementary: 16%

Middle: 14%

High: 15%


Special Education Department

We are a team of professionals dedicated to students with special needs who need particularly designed instruction. Our mission is to support students, staff, and families by using data to provide effective, evidence-based instruction and services to ensure student growth and successful transition.

Among the areas we cover are speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, employment training, health and psychological services, and assistance for students with hearing and vision impairments. 

Our Vision:



Could my child need services? Special Ed 101

Referral for multidisciplinary evaluation

Kentucky Parent Guide for Special Education

KDE regulations

Safeguards notice

FCPS Special Education Procedures

WHAS Crusade for Children

Public notice of FCPS nondiscrimination, FERPA, and Child Find policies

For Employees:

Staff Portal


Adam Liechty,
executive director of Special Education

Associate directors:
Michelle Cannoy (elementary),
Christina Grace (elementary),
Jennifer Sellers (middle schools),
Sandy Chambers-Collins (high schools),
Shannon Deep (evaluations / Child Find)

Associate Directors' School Assignments

Administrative assistants: 

Fax: (859) 422-9884