WBL = Work-Based Learning
Aside from work-based learning, other types of events can help students achieve a well-rounded academic career. Each high school provides details on how its students can participate.
College & Career Fair
Most high schools host a small college fair during school hours on school property. A large, regional fair in the fall, which is hosted by FCPS, is open to any high school student.
Campus Visits
Each school allows excused absences for juniors and seniors to go on college visits. Please reach out to your school counselor or college and career coach about your school's policy and steps students need to take.
College Reps
Colleges and universities will register for a date and time to come speak about their institution. This is great way for our students to learn more about the college decision process without having to leave town. Each school has a policy and steps students need to take in order to participate. Check with your guidance office.
ACT Prep
Our district's college and career coaches provide ACT prep workshops. Some businesses also help student learn how to take the ACT.
Students can take the ACT for free in March of their junior year. Some are also able to take it as a sophomore.
Interview Workshops
Your school's college and career coach can provide in-school or after-school workshops to prepare you for job interviews.
Contact: Alexandra McConnell, work-based learning coordinator