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2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:

Elementary: 25%

Middle: 27%

High: 27%


Distinguished Reading:

Elementary: 27%

Middle: 20%

High: 21%


Proficient Math:

Elementary: 30%

Middle: 22%

High: 25%


Distinguished Math:

Elementary: 16%

Middle: 14%

High: 15%


SBDM Council Resources

The School-Based Decision Making Council model promotes shared leadership among the people working most closely with our students: the school's administrators, teachers, and parents. A council's main responsibility is to foster student achievement, which should be echoed in every decision and policy. 

As the governing body for a school, the SBDM council decides on the curriculum, staffing, discipline, scheduling, teaching practices, extra-curricular activities, and other matters of the school's operation. To enhance student achievement and help the school reach its accountability goals, councils should:  

  • Decide targets for closing achievement gaps;
  • Determine the professional learning plan for the school's staff;
  • Meet monthly and comply with the Open Meetings and Open Records Act;
  • Consult on staff vacancies (principal, classified, and certified positions); and
  • Write and review the school policies. 

Contact: Sandy Mefford, SBDM district coordinator

Note: For school-specific questions about an SBDM Council, please reach out to your principal.

SBDM Portal

Here's where families and the public can see each school's SBDM meeting schedule, agendas, minutes, policies, and council members.

School documents

Meeting schedules

Log in to the portal

Sign up for training 
