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2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:

Elementary: 25%

Middle: 27%

High: 27%


Distinguished Reading:

Elementary: 27%

Middle: 20%

High: 21%


Proficient Math:

Elementary: 30%

Middle: 22%

High: 25%


Distinguished Math:

Elementary: 16%

Middle: 14%

High: 15%


Readiness Resources


Academies of Lexington - Our FCPS career academies move away from the traditional classroom model toward a more hands-on, project-based system built around the needs of today’s world.

Career & Technical Education (CTE):

Khan Academy – free expert-created content and resources for every subject and level

KnowHow2Go - designed to encourage students of all ages to prepare for college and a career

I’m First! – online community for first-generation college students and their supporters

Parchment – to order high school transcripts online; contact the school counselor for the student's user name and password

Financial Assistance

KEES (Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship) - provides financial help to students who earn at least a 2.5 GPA each year they attend a certified Kentucky high school. The better they do in high school, the more money they earn toward college.

FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

FSA ID (Federal Student Aid Identification) - gives you online access to these federal systems and can serve as your legal signature


ACT (college entrance exam) - a comprehensive system for collecting and reporting information about students planning to enter postsecondary education; see also the KDE info page

PSAT/SAT – a district-supported initiative in which students in grades 9-11 take an aptitude test to measure college readiness in reading, writing and language, and math

KYOTE - a delivery and development system for standardized examinations used to measure preparedness for college-level learning

ASVAB - a multi-aptitude battery of tests that measure developed abilities and helps predict academic and occupational success in the military