Students who do not earn a high school diploma may instead pursue a GED diploma or certificate. The General Educational Development test (GED) is a battery of five exams designed by the American Council on Education to measure high school equivalency.
Per Senate Bill 97 (effective July 1, 2015), students 18 and older who choose to drop out of Fayette County Public Schools must wait 90 days before taking the GED. A student may request a waiver of the waiting period by contacting the high school services office. The student must also obtain a letter from the Department of Pupil Personnel stating they are officially not enrolled in FCPS.
Once a waiver is granted, FCPS will contact the student to set up an appointment to complete the GED application. (If a student has been out of school more than 90 days, a waiver is not required.) The student must bring the following documents to the appointment:
- Withdrawal form, noting the last school attended
- Picture ID
The appointment will be at FCPS district offices, 450 Park Place.