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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:

Elementary: 28%

Middle: 27%

High: 27%


Distinguished Reading:

Elementary: 24%

Middle: 23%

High: 23%


Proficient Math:

Elementary: 29%

Middle: 26%

High: 21%


Distinguished Math:

Elementary: 17%

Middle: 17%

High: 17%


Literary Arts Rubric, Grades 8-12



4 Points Each


3 Points Each

Above Average

2 Points Each


1 Point Each

Creativity & Originality


The writer manifests exceptional imaginative skills, original thinking, & risk taking

creates worlds and characters with nuanced and meaningful depth and detail

engages in startling and apt use of figurative language

develops clear and striking imagery 

demonstrates complex risk taking through hybridity, metacognitive thinking &  processing, and/or multimedia accompanying written work

Manifests above grade-level imaginative skills and original thinking

creates worlds and characters with surprising depth and detail

engages in consistent use of figurative language

develops detailed imagery

attempts complex risk taking through hybridity, metacognitive thinking & processing, and/or multimedia accompanying written work

Manifests developing imaginative skills and original thinking

creates worlds and characters with some depth and detail

engages in some use of figurative language

develops some detailed imagery

some risk taking through hybridity, metacognitive thinking and processing, and/or multimedia accompanying written work

Writer is occasionally original or imaginative

creates worlds and characters with simple detail

engages in cliche use of figurative language

develops  imagery

Still developing risk taking in hybridity, metacognitive thinking & processing, and/or multimedia accompanying written work

Voice & Style

Creates a vivid, precise, & engaging writer’s voice & tone

uses lyrically, denotatively, and connotatively rich diction

varies complex syntax to affect pace, tone, and understanding

Creates a consistent & engaging writer’s voice & tone

uses lyrically, denotatively, and/or connotatively appropriate diction

varies consistent syntax to affect pace, tone, and understanding

Creates somewhat consistent & engaging writer’s voice/tone

uses lyrically, denotatively, or connotatively specific diction

varies basic syntax to affect pace, tone, and understanding

Creates an age- or grade- appropriate voice

uses lyrically, denotatively, or connotatively simplistic diction

uses simplistic syntax w/ some affect pace, tone, & understanding

Elements of Genre, Form, Structure

Chosen genre, form, and/or structure enhances the mood, tone, and/or meaning

Chosen genre, form, and/or structure consistently contributes to mood, tone, and/or meaning 

Chosen genre, form, and/or structure is intentional and appropriate to the task 

Chosen genre, form, structure is still developing beyond the formulaic

Audience Awareness &


Choices demonstrate an intimate awareness of their audience and the impact of their choices on the reader’s understanding and emotions

Choices demonstrate an understanding of their audience and attempt to manipulate or control the reader’s understanding or emotions

Choices somewhat acknowledge audience awareness, focused more on the writer’s own understanding and emotions

Choices are beginning to consider an audience outside the task or prompt

Clarity &


Writer’s intention is clear and illuminating; writer maintains clear focus; organization is logically structured and enhances meaning; 

Intention is reasonably clear; writer maintains clear focus for much of the piece; organization is structured logically

Intention is somewhat clear; writer has acceptable focus; organization is simple and effective

Intention is somewhat clear; writer is developing focus and organizational skills



Sophisticated and innovative control of grammar, mechanics, spelling and usage, & sentence formation to enhance tone & style

Skillful control of grammar, mechanics, spelling and usage, and sentence formation

Control of grammar, mechanics, spelling & usage, sentence formation

Developing control of grammar, mechanics, spelling & usage, and sentence formation







FINAL TOTAL: ______/48


To demonstrate giftedness, writers independently demonstrate flexibility, fluency, and risk taking necessary to develop new writing; create a new character/world with surprising depth and original detail; tell a compelling story with imaginative and intentional plot structures; fashion a personal voice that engages the reader and/or has a unique and articulate perspective; engages in verbal play through use of figurative language; develops striking imagery and metaphor; takes risks with genre, form, structure of their writing; uses hybridity, metacognitive thinking and processing, or multimedia projects to expand the definition and limits of the literary arts.


To demonstrate giftedness, writers independently establish a voice and style suited to their purpose; use lyrically, denotatively, and connotatively appropriate diction; vary their syntax to affect pace, tone, and understanding; maintain consistency of point of view and styles; have a command of low, middle, and high styles; capture the diversity of human experience, language, and cultures and voice through persona, dialogue, and description.

Knowledge of Genre, Form, Structure

To demonstrate giftedness, writers independently choose a genre, form, or structure for their writing that serves the narrative or lyric strategy of their writing; create across a wide range of genres; demonstrate a command of different forms and styles within a specific genre of writing or across a broad variety of genres; use the structure of their writing to build and/or break audience expectations. 

Audience Awareness/Impact

To demonstrate giftedness, writers independently manage audience expectations, understandings, and emotions; intuitively grasp the relationship between writer, content, and reader; create opportunities for the audience to actively participate in processing the meaning or emotion of the writing. Controls ambiguity, abstraction, negative capability, and reliability in an effort to impact the reader’s experience.   


To demonstrate giftedness, writers independently and logically organize their writing on the level of the chapter, section, paragraph, act or stanza, as well as the the segment, sequence, line, panel, sentence, or other units of organization; manipulate the organization of the structure to create clarity and cohesion; make creative choices with organization to generate meaningful effects on tension, suspension, surprise, anticipation; intentionally controls the level of ambiguity, abstraction, negative capability, and reliability. 


To demonstrate giftedness, writers independently demonstrate a command of grammar and punctuation conventions to control tone and demonstrate style; use semi-colons, colons, dashes, and parentheses correctly to manipulate pace and tone; experiment with the ability to create effects with atypical grammar and/or punctuation usage.