Sequencing and Recall
☐ Advanced comprehension of choreography
☐ Able to connect movements in smooth and cohesive phrases and transitions
☐ Excellent comprehension of choreography
☐ Ability to connect movement phrases with transitions
☐ Comprehends choreography w/little assist.
☐ Connects movement phrasing, some transitions not cohesive
☐ Developing recall, choreography skills
☐ Smooth and cohesive transitions are developing
☐ Demonstrates a high degree of musicality in interpretation of sequence, demonstrating a full range of dynamics
☐ Moves whole body to underlying beat demonstrating advanced skill in feeling the beat
☐ Able to replicate most of the sequence with appropriate musicality, demonstrating a range of dynamics
☐ Moves to underlying beat demonstrating ability to feel the beat
☐ Inconsistent in ability to replicate musicality of the sequence, demonstrates some dynamics
☐ Moves to underlying beat and able to match movements to beats and timing
☐ Developing musicality constantly within the sequence, with developing dynamics
☐ Developing ability to match body movements with beat and timing
Dance Skills and Body Awareness
☐ Demonstrates advanced skill in alignment, turnout and control, flexibility and strength, use of extension
☐ Advanced skill appropriate to dance genre(s) demonstrated
☐ Advanced coordination of skills to execute movements with precision and fluidity
☐ Presence: consistently performs w/ fluidity, readiness, coherence, integration
☐ Advanced level of body and spatial awareness by self and in group
☐ Demonstrates appropriate skills in alignment, turnout, and control, flexibility and strength, use of extension
☐ High level of skill in appropriate dance genre(s) demonstrated
☐ Coordination of skills to execute movements with precision and fluidity
☐ Presence: successful performing w/ some fluidity, readiness, coherence, or integration
☐ High level of body and spatial awareness by self and in group
☐ Demonstrates occasional skill in alignment, turnout, control and strength, flexibility and strength, use of extension
☐ Some skill level in appropriate dance genre (s) demonstrated
☐ Coordination of skills to execute movements with precision and fluidity
☐ Presence: performs w/ fluidity, readiness, coherence, or integration
☐ Demonstrates body and spatial awareness by self and in group
☐ Developing dance skills of alignment, turnout, control, flexibility and strength, use of extension
☐ Developing coordination and execution of skills
☐ Emerging skills appropriate to dance genre(s) demonstrated
☐ Presence: developing fluidity, readiness, coherence, or integration
☐ Developing skill of body and spatial awareness by self and in group
Energy Level and Confidence
☐ Advanced ability to communicate ideas & feelings through expressivity, intensity of movement
☐ Dances w/focus, confidence, energy, artistry
☐ Ability to communicate ideas and feelings through movement with added expressivity
☐ Dances w/ focus energy, confidence
☐ Ability to communicate ideas and feelings through movement
☐ Dances with focus & confidence at times
☐ Evolving ability to communicate ideas and feelings through movement
☐ Developing focus & confidence in dance
Guided Improvisation
☐ Demonstrates advanced skill and understanding of the elements of dance through movement choices
☐ communicates ideas and artistry through expression and movement choices
☐ Embraces spontaneity and originality
☐ Demonstrates skill and understanding of the elements of dance through movement choices
☐ communicates ideas through expression and movement choices
☐ Demonstrates spontaneity and originality
☐ Demonstrates skill and understanding of the elements of dance through movement choices at times
☐ Some ability to communicates ideas through expression and movement choices
☐ Demonstrates some spontaneity, originality
☐ Emerging skill and understanding of the elements of dance through movement choices
☐ Developing ideas through expression and movement choices
☐ Emerging spontaneity and originality
Overall Execution
☐ Clarity of movements, poise, confidence and expression
☐ Outstanding artistry, full commitment to movement
☐ Performance looks polished and effortless
☐ High level of execution of movements and poise
☐ Demonstrates artistry and commitment to movement
☐ Performance is polished
☐ Consistent ability in execution of movements and poise
☐ Artistry and commitment to movement demonstrated at times
☐ Performance is executed well
☐ Emerging performance quality in execution of movement and poise
☐ Developing artistry and commitment to movement
☐ Adequately executed performance