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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:

Elementary: 28%

Middle: 27%

High: 27%


Distinguished Reading:

Elementary: 24%

Middle: 23%

High: 23%


Proficient Math:

Elementary: 29%

Middle: 26%

High: 21%


Distinguished Math:

Elementary: 17%

Middle: 17%

High: 17%


Band Rubric, Grades 8-12

Level of Repertoire Difficulty (5 pts each): 0         1         2         3         4                    Repertoire Difficulty Score:  ______/20

0 = Below grade level literature, 1 = at grade level, 2 = one grade level above, 3 = two grade levels above, 4 = more than two grade levels above



4 Points Each


3 Points Each

Above Average

2 Points Each


1 Point Each

Tone Quality

Tone is exceptionally warm, resonant, focused, consistent, vibrant, and full

Tone is consistently warm, resonant, focused, vibrant and full

Tone is sufficiently warm, resonant, focused & full, with few inconsistencies

Tone is developing warmth, resonance and focus but is inconsistent

Intonation/Rhythmic Accuracy

Accuracy of Pitches & Rhythms

Printed pitches are performed accurately and intonation is masterful

Printed rhythms are performed accurately with precision including attacks & releases

Exceptional flow showing care with tempo nuances

Printed pitches are performed accurately with evident artistry and intonation is consistent

Printed rhythms performed accurately including attacks, releases

Tempo is steady and musical from beginning to end

Printed pitches are performed accurately and intonation is mostly consistent

Printed rhythms are performed with accuracy with few errors, attacks and releases are accurate

Flow of tempo is consistent

Printed pitches are mostly performed accurately and intonation is developing consistency

Printed rhythms are performed with emerging accuracy. Some inconsistencies in attacks and releases

Consistency of tempo is emerging


Articulation, (Tonguing, sticking)

Student interprets printed articulations (staccatos, accents, slurs, etc) stylistically and exceptionally musically

Tonguing or sticking technique is controlled, refined,& elevates the music

Student demonstrates mastery of instrument

Articulations (staccatos, accents, slurs, etc) are performed musically, accurately, and with contrast

Tonguing or sticking produces characteristic sound

Student demonstrates excellent facility with the instrument

Contrast in articulations (staccatos, accents, slurs, etc) is apparent and consistent

Tonguing or sticking produces sufficiently characteristic sound

Student demonstrates facility with the instrument

Interpretation of printed articulation (staccatos, accents, slurs, etc) markings is developing

Tonguing or sticking technique is emerging

Student demonstrates familiarity with the instrument


Phrasing, expressive elements, nuance, dynamics, tempo

Phrasing emphasizes the contour of melodic line artistically throughout.

Dynamic are performed with finesse and artistic contrast

Overall expression is masterful, artistic and nuanced

Vibrato OR characteristic tone is controlled, refined, masterful, & elevates the music

Phrasing emphasizes the contour of melodic line in context of the whole piece

Dynamics are performed musically

Expression is consistent and effective

Vibrato OR characteristic tone is controlled and refined

Phrasing shows the basic contour of the melodic line.

Dynamics performed appropriately

 ☐ Expressive elements are apparent

Characteristic tone is apparent but may be inconsistent

Melodic phrasing is developing

Dynamic contrast is emerging

 ☐ Expressive elements are developing

Characteristic tone is emerging


Preparation, stage presence, expression, memorization, artistry, fluency, talent, potential

Musical selection is memorized and exceptionally well-prepared

Mistakes are nonexistent or expertly handled with fluency and control, keeping the flow of the music

Posture and poise are exceptional and enhance the overall performance

Demonstrates exceptional enthusiasm and potential

Musical selection is memorized, well-prepared, and consistent

Mistakes are few and handled with control.

Posture and poise are excellent

 ☐ Demonstrates great enthusiasm and potential

Musical selection is well-prepared with few inconsistencies

Mistakes are handled with some control with adequate recovery

 ☐ Good posture and poise are evident

 ☐ Enthusiasm & potential is apparent

Musical selection needs additional preparation

Mistakes impact the performance

 ☐ Posture and poise are developing and impact the performance.

 ☐ Demonstrates emerging enthusiasm and potential







Sight-Reading & Scales: ______/20                  FINAL TOTAL: ______/100

On-Demand Scales & Sight Reading       

Sight Reading (10 points total, check one box per column)


2 Points Each

1 Point Each

No Points

Rhythm Accuracy

Printed rhythms performed accurately w/ precision including attacks & releases

Printed rhythms are performed with accuracy with few errors, attacks and releases are accurate

Printed rhythms are performed with emerging accuracy. Inconsistencies in attacks and releases


Consistent pulse throughout, with musically appropriate fluctuations

Mostly consistent pulse with fluctuations that occasionally detract from performance

Consistency in pulse is emerging

Pitch Accuracy

☐ Printed pitches are performed accurately and intonation is masterful

☐ Printed pitches are mostly performed accurately and intonation is somewhat consistent

☐ Printed pitches are sometimes performed accurately and intonation is developing consistency


☐ Articulations (staccatos, accents, slurs, etc) are performed musically, accurately, and with contrast

☐ Contrast in articulations (staccatos, accents, slurs, etc) is often apparent

☐ Interpretation of printed articulation (staccatos, accents, slurs, etc) markings is developing



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☐ Wide range of dynamic contrast and all dynamics are executed clearly and correctly

☐ Dynamic contrast is emerging


Tone Quality

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☐ Tone is consistently clear, appealing, resonant, and highly representative of the instrument across all ranges.

☐ Tone is developing warmth, resonance and focus but is inconsistent






Scales (10 points total, check one box per column)



2 Points Each

1 Point Each

No Points

Tone Quality

Tone is exceptionally warm, resonant, focused, consistent, vibrant, and full

Tone is consistently warm, resonant, focused, vibrant and full

Tone is developing warmth, resonance and focus but is inconsistent


Rhythmic Accuracy

Scale is performed accurately and intonation is masterful

Tempo is steady and musical from beginning to end

Scale is mostly accurate and intonation is consistent

Tempo is mostly steady without detracting from performance

Scale accuracy is inconsistent


Consistency of tempo is emerging


Articulation, (Tonguing, sticking)

Tonguing or sticking technique is controlled, refined,& elevates the music

Student demonstrates mastery of instrument

Tonguing/sticking produces mostly characteristic sound

Student demonstrates facility with the instrument

Tonguing or sticking technique is emerging


Student is developing familiarity with the instrument






Sight-Reading: ______/10                          Scales: ______/10                             Total: ______/20