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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:

Elementary: 28%

Middle: 27%

High: 27%


Distinguished Reading:

Elementary: 24%

Middle: 23%

High: 23%


Proficient Math:

Elementary: 29%

Middle: 26%

High: 21%


Distinguished Math:

Elementary: 17%

Middle: 17%

High: 17%


Piano Rubric, Grades 3 - 7




4 Points Each


3 Points Each

Above Average

2 Points Each


1 Point Each

Accuracy (pitch, rhythmic values)



Printed pitches are performed accurately

Gives notes and rests proper value 

Printed pitches are performed accurately most of the time

Gives most notes and rests proper value

Printed pitches are performed accurately some of the time

Gives some notes and rests proper value

Printed pitches are occasionally performed with accuracy

Gives few notes and rests proper value

Ease of Technique (wrist and arm ease, fingerings)

Technique is well developed  and natural, including posture, arm wrist movement, and fingerings

Technique is developed  and approaching natural  in terms of posture, arm / wrist movement, and fingerings.

Technique somewhat developed, in terms of posture, arm / wrist movement, and fingerings.

Technique is still developing in terms of posture and arm / wrist movement, and fingerings.

Phrasing and articulation (legato, staccato, accents and other marks of expression, pedaling)

Phrasing and articulation is exceptional with control and shaping throughout; pedal, if used, is appropriate to the musical selection

Phrasing and articulation is evident, with some control and shaping; pedal, if used, is mostly appropriate to the musical selection

Phrasing and articulation is sometimes demonstrated; pedal, if used, is somewhat appropriate to the musical. selection

Phrasing, articulation, and pedal (if used) are developing and may detract from the overall performance

Dynamics and balance/voicing

Dynamics, balance, (and voicing if applicable) and dynamic contrast are observed throughout

Dynamics, balance, (and voicing if applicable) and dynamic contrast are mostly observed

Dynamics, balance, (and voicing if applicable) and dynamic contrast are sometimes observed

Dynamics, balance, (and voicing if applicable) and dynamic contrast are developing

Interpretation (Musicality, Phrasing, Expressive Elements, Nuance, Tempo, Range)



Tempo is appropriate to the musical selection

The performance is expressive and sensitive to style

Tempo is mostly appropriate to the musical selection

The performance shows expressive elements performed above grade level

Tempo is somewhat appropriate to the musical selection

The performance shows some use of expressive elements

Tempo is occasionally appropriate. 

Developing use of expressive elements in the performance


Level of Difficulty: ___________                                                                                                                             FINAL TOTAL: ________________/33

0 = Below grade level literature                                                                                                       Final Total Includes Level of Difficulty Score

1 = At grade level

3 = Above grade level                                                                                                                                                                                    

5 = Far above grade level