4 Points Each
3 Points Each
Above Average
2 Points Each
1 Point Each
Accuracy (pitch, rhythmic values)
☐ Printed pitches are performed accurately
☐ Gives notes and rests proper value
☐ Printed pitches are performed accurately most of the time
☐ Gives most notes and rests proper value
☐ Printed pitches are performed accurately some of the time
☐ Gives some notes and rests proper value
☐ Printed pitches are occasionally performed with accuracy
☐ Gives few notes and rests proper value
Ease of Technique (wrist and arm ease, fingerings)
☐ Technique is well developed and natural, including posture, arm wrist movement, and fingerings
☐ Technique is developed and approaching natural in terms of posture, arm / wrist movement, and fingerings.
☐ Technique somewhat developed, in terms of posture, arm / wrist movement, and fingerings.
☐ Technique is still developing in terms of posture and arm / wrist movement, and fingerings.
Phrasing and articulation (legato, staccato, accents and other marks of expression, pedaling)
☐ Phrasing and articulation is exceptional with control and shaping throughout; pedal, if used, is appropriate to the musical selection
☐ Phrasing and articulation is evident, with some control and shaping; pedal, if used, is mostly appropriate to the musical selection
☐ Phrasing and articulation is sometimes demonstrated; pedal, if used, is somewhat appropriate to the musical. selection
☐ Phrasing, articulation, and pedal (if used) are developing and may detract from the overall performance
Dynamics and balance/voicing
☐ Dynamics, balance, (and voicing if applicable) and dynamic contrast are observed throughout
☐ Dynamics, balance, (and voicing if applicable) and dynamic contrast are mostly observed
☐ Dynamics, balance, (and voicing if applicable) and dynamic contrast are sometimes observed
☐ Dynamics, balance, (and voicing if applicable) and dynamic contrast are developing
Interpretation (Musicality, Phrasing, Expressive Elements, Nuance, Tempo, Range)
☐ Tempo is appropriate to the musical selection
☐ The performance is expressive and sensitive to style
☐ Tempo is mostly appropriate to the musical selection
☐ The performance shows expressive elements performed above grade level
☐ Tempo is somewhat appropriate to the musical selection
☐ The performance shows some use of expressive elements
☐ Tempo is occasionally appropriate.
☐ Developing use of expressive elements in the performance