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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:

Elementary: 28%

Middle: 27%

High: 27%


Distinguished Reading:

Elementary: 24%

Middle: 23%

High: 23%


Proficient Math:

Elementary: 29%

Middle: 26%

High: 21%


Distinguished Math:

Elementary: 17%

Middle: 17%

High: 17%


Drama Rubric, Grades 3-7




4 Points Each


3 Points Each

Above Average

2 Points Each


1 Point Each

Physical Performance

Creatively uses variety of dynamic movements motivated from core and natural

Creatively uses space, varied dynamic levels

Dynamic facial expression to create character

Movement and gesture motivated from core and natural

 Excellent use of space & dynamic. levels

Consistent facial expr. to create  character

Movement and gesture motivated but not from core or natural

Clear use of space w/ some dynamic levels

Some facial expressions to create character

Over-rehearsed movement or basic gesture, perhaps unrelated

Emerging use of space and dynamic levels

Emerging facial expressions




Exceptional projection of voice with variety of levels, engaging and dynamic vocal energy

Outstanding articulation and vocal clarity

Uses colorful/dynamic expression

 Effective/Adequate projection of voice with consistent vocal energy

 Good  articulation and vocal clarity

Effective vocal expression

Good projection of voice with some some vocal energy

Some articulation & diction is evident

Some vocal expression is present

Emerging vocal energy


Developing in articulation & diction.

Developing vocal expression




Fully developed character w/ complex, original choices that is exceptionally honest & believable

Shows outstanding depth of understanding of given circumstances

Fully developed character, is honest, believable throughout

Demonstrates thorough understanding of given circumstances

Development of character that is honest and believable at times

Demonstrates solid understanding of given circumstances

Character emerges from performance developing believability.

Demonstrates grade-level understanding of given circumstances 


Exceptional use of give and take/“yes and..” elevates peer collaboration

Cohesive, supported structure & presentation

Spontaneously creates a highly effective and clever improvisation

Consistent use of give and take/“yes and..” demonstrates peer collaboration

Clear structure: beginning, mid, end

Shows a developed sense of spontaneity, cleverness

Use of give and take/“yes and..” that benefits scene at times

Some elements of beginning, mid, end

Shows some spontaneity, cleverness

Developing give & take/“yes and..”

Developing structural elements of beginning, middle, and/or end

Emerging  spontaneity




Innovative and creative ideas with nuanced artistic choices

Students  adapts and  responds with exceptional creativity throughout

Original and developed ideas with specific choices

Student adapts and responds with creativity throughout

Obvious ideas emerge from performance

Student adapts and responds with creativity at times

Demonstrates some idea development

Student attempts to adapt and respond, emerging creativity




Extraordinary focus, seamless performance

Energy is dynamic and engages whole body and performance; engaging and connected throughout

No breaks in character, consistent

 ☐ Energy is focused and specific, connects with peers and audience

Few breaks in character, stops, recovers

Energy is present, connects with audience

Breaks in character, developing recover

Developing eye contact with peers/ audience, developing consistent energy


Actively listens and engages in creative problem solving, exceptional skill in building on ideas of others.

Shares the space with skill and ease

Actively and consistently listens to and communicates - consistently builds on ideas of others

Shares space consistently

Listens to and communicates, builds on the ideas of others at times

Shares space at times

Communication with peers is developing. May attempt to build on ideas of others

Awareness of others and space.



Shows high level of confidence

No difficulty or hesitation when encountering challenging material

Performance exhibits outstanding preparation, choices were creative and original

Shows confidence in product

Little difficulty with challenging material

Performance demonstrates preparation, creative or original choices

Shows confidence in product at times

Consistently gives effort to meet challenging material

Performance demonstrates preparation, above-grade-level choices

Developing confidence

Attempts to recover with challenging material

Performance demonstrates evidence of preparation and choices


FINAL TOTAL: __________/80