4 Points Each
3 Points Each
Above Average
2 Points Each
1 Point Each
Tone Quality
☐ Tone is warm, resonant, controlled, clear, focused, consistent, vibrant, rich, full, and beautiful
☐ Tone has resonance and clarity with some apparent inconsistencies
☐ Tone is inconsistent but has occasional moments of clarity and resonance
☐ Tone is weak, breathy, forced, unclear, or uncontrolled
Accuracy of Pitch
☐ Printed pitches are performed accurately
☐ Printed pitches are performed accurately most of the time
☐ Printed pitches are performed accurately some of the time
☐ Printed pitches are occasionally performed with accuracy
☐ Intonation is within or above the appropriate developmental range. The student shifts cleanly if shifts are performed
☐ Occasional lapses in intonation, but generally within the appropriate developmental range
☐ Frequently out of tune but with several moments of developmentally appropriate intonation
☐ Occasionally plays in tune most of the time and shows signs of developing intonation
Rhythm and Pulse
☐ Gives notes and rests proper value and always maintains a steady pulse
☐ Gives most notes and rests proper value and keeps a steady pulse most of the time
☐ Gives some notes and rests proper value and sometimes keeps a steady pulse
☐ Gives few notes and rests proper value and seldom keeps a steady pulse
Technique and Articulation (Bowing, Tonguing, Sticking, Fingerings)
☐ Student uses appropriate playing technique
☐ Student uses appropriate articulation, including attacks and releases
☐ Some flaws in playing technique but does not detract from the performance
☐ Plays most notes with the correct articulation
☐ Some flaws in playing technique that detract from the performance
☐ Plays some of the notes with the correct articulation
☐ Frequent flaws in playing technique
☐ Occasionally plays the correct articulation
Interpretation (Musicality, Phrasing, Expressive Elements, Nuance, Tempo, Range)
☐ Phrasing and dynamics are performed with nuance
☐ The style and tempo are appropriate to the musical selection
☐ The performance is expressive and sensitive to style
☐ Phrasing and dynamics are performed with nuance most of the time
☐ The style and tempo are mostly appropriate to the musical selection
☐ The performance shows expressive elements performed above grade level
☐ Phrasing and dynamics are performed some of the time
☐ Style and tempo are somewhat appropriate to the musical selection
☐ The performance shows some use of expressive elements
☐ Phrasing and dynamics are occasionally performed
☐ Style and tempo are occasionally appropriate.
☐ Developing use of expressive elements in the performance
Sight-Reading and Scales
☐ Sight-reading and scales are performed accurately
☐ Sight-reading and scales are performed accurately most of the time
☐ Sight-reading and scales are performed accurately some of the time
☐ Sight-reading and scales are occasionally performed with accuracy