Increases the capacity of teachers and leaders through development of leadership skills.
Requires a professional commitment for active participation in all cohort activities.
Develops a “Grow Your Own” workforce with job-embedded support from the district.
Encourages networking among FCPS employees with varying expertise.
Diversifies our workforce to reflect the students we serve.
Provides additional strategies for FCPS teachers and leaders to implement immediately.
Candidates must:
Have at least four years of teaching experience.
Be a certified employee of Fayette County Public Schools with a valid Kentucky teaching certificate.
Be recognized as an excellent teacher or administrator with a proven record of helping all students learn at high levels.
Demonstrate a strong desire to serve as a teacher leader or building leader.
Possess excellent skills in human relations, oral and written communication, and basic technology.
Three cohorts:
Instructional leadership
Student support leadership
Operational leadership
These divisions enable us to individualize the program for participants and build capacity through specialized areas, to allow intentional networking among current district leaders and potential candidates, and to make “Grow Your Own” a collaborative effort with district departments.
Have at least three years of experience in an educational setting
Be a certified or classified salaried employee of Fayette County Public Schools (Instructional Coaching cohort requires a valid Kentucky teaching certificate; Assistant Principal cohort requires a valid Kentucky teaching certificate and enrollment or completion of administrative certificate)
Be recognized as an excellent educator with a proven record of helping all students learn at high levels
Demonstrate a strong desire to serve as a teacher leader or building leader, and
Possess excellent skills in human relations, oral and written communication, and basic technology