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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:

Elementary: 28%

Middle: 27%

High: 27%


Distinguished Reading:

Elementary: 24%

Middle: 23%

High: 23%


Proficient Math:

Elementary: 29%

Middle: 26%

High: 21%


Distinguished Math:

Elementary: 17%

Middle: 17%

High: 17%


Contracts & Bids Resources


Approved Catering Vendors 

RFP 04:23 Art Supplies (extended through February 2025)

RFP 34-23 Books, Non-Library Catalog Discount (through July 2025)

RFP 44-24 Promotional Apparel (through August 2025)

RFP 31-20 Library Books/pre-bound library books, eBooks (extended through September 2025)

RFP 43-23 Athletic Supplies & Equipment (extended through September 2025)

Bid 28:21: Science Equipment/Materials and Science Supplies -- catalog contract (extended through December 2025)

RFP 62-23 Band and Orchestra Instruments Catalog Discount (extended through January 2026)

RFP 02-25 Promotional Items (through January 2026)


Matt Moore,
procurement specialist
Phone: (859) 422-0219

Rachel Sloan,
purchasing assistant
(859) 422-0746

Shipping address:
1126 Russell Cave Rd.
Lexington KY 40505

For employees: Look for purchasing forms, the approved vendors list, and additional resources in the staff portal.

Staff Portal