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2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:

Elementary: 25%

Middle: 27%

High: 27%


Distinguished Reading:

Elementary: 27%

Middle: 20%

High: 21%


Proficient Math:

Elementary: 30%

Middle: 22%

High: 25%


Distinguished Math:

Elementary: 16%

Middle: 14%

High: 15%


Advertised Bids

Resource: General Terms and Conditions for Bids & RFPs

You can preview the bids below and then visit our vendor system site to register.  

Facility Design & Construction bids


If you are interested in becoming an approved catering vendor for the district, please complete this packet and return it to the Purchasing Office:

Catering application for vendors


Matt Moore,
procurement specialist
Phone: (859) 422-0219

Rachel Sloan,
purchasing assistant
(859) 422-0746