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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:

Elementary: 28%

Middle: 27%

High: 27%


Distinguished Reading:

Elementary: 24%

Middle: 23%

High: 23%


Proficient Math:

Elementary: 29%

Middle: 26%

High: 21%


Distinguished Math:

Elementary: 17%

Middle: 17%

High: 17%


Family Survey


To ensure that every Fayette County Public School is a welcoming place where all students can thrive, we are seeking feedback about the experiences our children and families have had during the 2023-24 school year.

On April 19, every parent or guardian should have received one email for each school where they have children enrolled with a link to take the survey for that specific campus. The easiest way to participate in the survey is to follow those links because they are already tied to individual schools. Depending on your inbox settings, the emails may have been sent to “junk” or “other” folders. Search for “2024 FCPS Family Survey” or to find the email.

Alternatively, you can follow this link to take the survey online: 

take the survey now

All responses are anonymous and confidential. 

Thank you for your participation!

Paper Option

If you prefer paper over digital, please print and complete the survey and return it to your child's school by May 29. You may also drop it by the front desk at the John D. Price Administration Building, 450 Park Place, attn. Lisa Deffendall.







