ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS
The ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS is an English language assessment tied to the state’s language proficiency standards with varying stages of second language acquisition. It includes social and academic language contexts.
Grade Level: Kindergarten - 12th
Frequency: Spring
Brigance Testing
The Brigance is a screening tool widely used for students in prekindergarten (preK) and kindergarten. The Brigance is Kentucky's common kindergarten entry screener. It provides information on a child's development in five areas: Academic/Cognitive, Language, Development, Physical Development, Self-Help, and Social-Emotional Development.
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Frequency: Once a year in the late summer to early fall
Kentucky Summative Assessment & Alternate KSA
The Kentucky Summative (KSA) is the annual summative assessment given in grades 3 through 8, 10 and 11 to the state's public school students. KSA provides content area tests, including reading and mathematics at all grades, and science, social studies, writing, and editing and mechanics. The Kentucky Alternate Assessment Program (AKSA) was developed for students with moderate to significant cognitive disabilities (less than 1% of the total student population) for whom traditional testing would be an inappropriate measure of progress. The Alternate Assessment Program mirrors the other state assessments.
Grade Level: 3rd - 8th, 10th, 11th
Frequency: Spring
The ACT is a standardized test used for college admissions in the United States. It is administered by ACT, a nonprofit organization of the same name. The ACT test is optional and covers four academic skill areas: English, mathematics, reading, and scientific reasoning.
Grade Level: 10th, 11th
Frequency: Spring
CTE End of Program Assessment
The Career and Technical Education End-of-Program (CTE EOP) Assessment is one measure of career readiness as a postsecondary readiness indicator for Kentucky’s accountability system. These are state-developed tests based upon clear and concise standards identified by Kentucky employers, aligned with CTE career pathways, and associated with statewide articulation agreements with postsecondary partners.
Grade Level: 11th, 12th, early graduates
Frequency: Spring